public Developer maeve_lynskey;

[Angular, Typescript, Python, Django];

public Developer maeve;

[Typescipt, C#, Angular];


A bit about professional me...

I have 5 years experience as a software engineer, working in both small companies and large organizations. I get up to speed quickly in whatever tech the problem demands and I enjoy being able to quickly master the right tool for the problem. I think the variety of tech in my work history reflects that capacity (needs must). Saying that, I really enjoy creating beautiful, powerful and user-friendly front-ends and aim to grow my abilities in that area in the coming years.

At the Irish SME, I developed a cross platform application using Ionic3/Angular5 from scratch. This application is now the flagship app of the company. I also wrote the iOS versions for two small applications. I developed a number of libraries for the company’s .NET backend. I continue to provide maintenance services for this company.

I completed a six month contract with King in Barcelona as part of my master's degree. While there I developed the backend API for a new game feature (Java), I also worked on their in-house management tools, using AngularJS and Spring Hibernate.

Prior to this, I worked as a data analyst for SSE Airtricity, a role which included data retrieval, task automation and dashboard creation. I developed a web platform for managing regulatory submissions using Python Flask, greatly increasing the ease with which submissions could be managed.

In 2019 I graduated with a Masters in Computer Science from University College Dublin achieving a GPA of 3.77 (90%).

...and a bit about me


I take courses on topics I feel (I’m rusty on || lacking depth in || want to know more about).
I like to keep improving and learning new things.

Design and UX

Good design intrigues me. I’ve recently been reading around the topic to try to understand a bit more about what makes a great design and user-friendly UX.

Science and Technology

I have a degree in science and I’ve retained an interest in all things scienc-ey. A recovered gamer, I still enjoy reading around games and associated technology and follow a number of different technology websites ( Ars Technica).

Mountaineering / Climbing / Skiing / Mountain biking

I fell in love with mountains during a trip to the Alps as a young teen and I've been obsessed since. I climb whenever I can and I am a qualified instructor.

Some Projects

Angular app to keep track of my ski days this season; I primarily wanted to see if I could create an attractive responsive table. I later used this to create a call logging app for my company. View Code

CampusQuest was a gamified fitness app I made while in UCD; marrying my love for sport and games. The best bit was crafting an app from scratch that reflected a bit of me. Super fun. View Code


My dog Lola
